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USM Science Research Institute hosting lecture on dengue fever

Updated: Mar 7

The University of St. Martin (USM) Science Research Institute will be hosting a public lecture aimed at ad­ dressing a pressing health issue in St. Maarten titled "Exploring the Dengue Fever Prevention and Man­ agement Landscape on St. Maarten ".

This event will be held on Wednesday, March 6, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at Axum Art Cafe on #7 Frontstreet.

In a recent press release, USM noted that Dengue fe­ ver remains a major health concern in our community, demanding a better under­ standing of prevention and management strategies.

Soniya Bag MD, MSc Global Health, will be the featured speaker at the event. Dr. Bag will dive into various aspects of dengue fever, offering valuable in­ sights and proposing effec­ tive solutions for combat­ ing this health challenge.

Attendees can look for­ ward to an engaging discus­ sion with opportunities to ask questions and interact with specialists in the field.

The lecture is open to the public and welcomes all persons interested in learn­ ing more about dengue fe­ ver and contributing to its prevention. "Join us as we strive to raise awareness and encourage dialogue about dengue fever pre­ vention and management. Together, we can make St. Maarten healthier and saf­er," stated USM.

For more information or inquiries, contact Ly­ sanne Charles at Lysanne.

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